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How to Add a Text Message Signature to Your Messages (+ Templates)

SMS Marketing12/09/2021

You might have added email signatures to your mail, but have you thought about adding a text message signature to outgoing text messages? Adding a personal signature will give your messages a professional look. 

Almost everyone has their cell phone in their immediate vicinity (often right in their hand)! The average American adult spent more than three hours per day peering at their smartphone in 2020. Statistics also indicate that a whopping 2.1 trillion text messages were exchanged in 2020, an increase of 52 billion messages since 2019.

With such a huge audience at your fingertips, it would be foolhardy not to reach out! Today, we’ll tell you why it’s so important to add text message signatures to business texts. We’ll also give you a few guidelines on how to create a compelling text message signature, and we’ll explain how you go about setting one up. To finish, we will run through how to supercharge your business with text marketing software. 

Phew! We’ve got a lot to get through, we’d better get going…

Why Does a Business Text Need a Text Message Signature?

Closing with an email signature gives messages a polished and proficient quality, and the same applies to business SMS messages. It’s perfectly fine to use abbreviated language and emoji icons when you are text messaging friends and family, but that won’t do in the business world. Colleagues, existing clients, and prospective customers expect and deserve a more refined approach. 

Used correctly, an automatic signature is a powerful tool that will help you to:

  • Enhance your message and your business by giving texts professional polish 
  • Increase brand awareness by adding your slogan or tagline
  • Improve response rates 
  • Pass on important information such as company contact details and details of your website.

How to Create a Professional Text Message Signature

To ensure your business maintains its reputation for having high standards you need to follow protocol when sending business emails and texts. 

Professionalism, politeness, and clarity are required at all times when crafting a message signature. You should refrain from texting out of office hours, after all, no one wants to be woken up at 1 am by a ping from a business.

 It’s also important to use the right tone. As we’ve mentioned, slang is out (yep is not a word), as are long-winded messages. You don’t need to write an essay at the bottom of every text message.

Add a signature to give your text a final flourish, it should appear at the end of every text message you send. Your signature should include your company name and can also incorporate your business contact info and/or your marketing slogan. 

How to Set up a Text Message Signature

Like the idea of setting up an auto signature? We’re not surprised, adding a signature can bring you plenty of benefits. 

To start, check how many characters you are allowed per text message, and remember your signature counts toward this total. You can add signatures to text messages sent via cell phones (iPhones, Android devices, and other phones.) or via SMS marketing software. The steps below explain to set up a text message signature:

Setting Up a Text Message Signature using Smarter Contact

 Text marketing software company Smarter Contact provides top-rated software designed to help businesses create and deliver SMS marketing campaigns. 

You can use the software to create message text templates and add a professional edge with a text message signature. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Check out the text templates feature, built into the software package
  • Create messages via the SMS message template list
  • Give your message a name 
  • Create your message text 
  • Add a text message signature at the end of your text 
  • Tap create message
  • Schedule your campaign using personalized text messages with a signature

There are a few things we need to mention regarding the above. First off, when you create your message, you need to add a unique field within the text e.g., “Hi (name) we can offer you 50% off today on all gardening tools.” The name can be changed, differentiating each message. 

You also need to keep in mind that the SMS text has a limit of 160 characters. Therefore, your text message signature needs to be short. 

Finally, make sure you schedule your campaign during sensible hours – messages arriving in the early hours of the morning could antagonize people and will probably remain unread. 

Setting Up a Text Message Signature for an iPhone

If you use an iPhone to message your leads, you won’t be able to add a bespoke signature into cell phone text messages or iMessages. However, you can use a handy shortcut to add a manual signature to outgoing text messages. To create the keyboard shortcut on your phone:

  • Tap the menu button 
  • Scroll to message settings. 
  • Tap general
  • Tap keyboard 
  • Tap text replacement
  • Tap + (you’ll find that in the upper-right corner) 
  • Type your new signature where it says “phrase.” 
  • Create a two or three-letter shortcut (type that where it says “shortcut” on your screen - this adds your signature to the message. 
  • Tap save.

You’re all done! When you send a text message simply enter your shortcut letters and you can choose your message signature from the compose text box. 

Setting Up a Text Message Signature for an Android phone

You can add a bespoke signature to messages sent via an android device. It’s a relatively simple process: 

  • Start by opening the android messaging app main window
  • Tap menu to see send message settings
  • Find the entry “message signature” 
  • Tap to enable a signature. 
  • Tap edit signature 
  • Add the text message signature of your choice. 

Text message signatures enable you to add important information about your company. If you don’t want to include the signature text in a particular message just delete it manually. 

How to Create Text Messaging Signature Templates

You can add key business information to your text message signature. It’s always a good idea to provide your contact details, for example, add your company name, address, email, etc. If you run a shop or operate your company from premises you can include your opening hours too. 

The text message signature can also be used as a marketing tactic. Add a signature with your slogan, or include your jingle to remind clients who you are and what you have to offer. This is a clever way to reinforce your brand and make sure your product or service stands out. Here are a few examples:

Text message signatures example
Text message signatures example

  • Hi Zach! Thank you for signing for XYZ’s new loyalty card. If you have any questions just get in touch. Sara, Customer Service Agent 
  • Hello Jo. Flash sale at XYZ – 25% off today. 

XYZ Manhattan. Open Mon-Sun 8-6

  • Hey Dan! XYZ Cycles has a new range of mountain bikes in stock. 

XYZ Cycles. ABC St. Let us take you for a ride! 

How to Supercharge Your Business with Text Marketing Software

We have now established that using a text message signature will give your company and text messages a professional feel. A text signature will also allow you to convey important information to contacts, clients, colleagues, and prospective customers. 

As a bonus, you can use signatures to strengthen your brand – a key element in staying ahead of the competition, securing new business, and boosting profits. 

Staying on the subject of growing your business, text marketing software (also known as SMS marketing software ad business text messaging software) can be invaluable. 

Smarter Contact enables you to launch promotional text campaigns in minutes with its easy-to-use interface. With the highest delivery rate in the industry, you will be able to increase your ROI significantly. 

Using an SMS marketing service will save time too – giving you the headspace to close more deals and boost your profits. In our digital world SMS text messaging grabs attention. 

It isn’t rocket science, the concept is straightforward - better results and fewer clicks. 

Why not find out what Smarter Contact can do for you and start your free 7-day trial right now? 


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