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Letter from the CEO: Smarter Contact 2.0 Coming Soon! 🚀🚀

News 06/03/2022

Dear SC family, you spoke and we listened.

We’re proud to present the release of our team’s greatest work yet…Smarter Contact 2.0 🚀

Since the beginning of Smarter Contact, we listened to our customers and poured your requests into building the platform you wanted. It’s every bit of the first platform with an overhauled and improved system. 

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

Campaign Drip Functionality… Finally 🙌🏼

The best deals come from nurturing your prospects with consistent messaging. SC 2.0’s drip campaigns are seamless and flexible, so you can send sequenced messages to your audience based on actions. Schedule SMS drip campaigns with ringless voicemail and custom trigger events -- pure automation.

Built-in Dialer đź“ž

No more having to switch lines or using expensive external dialers--Call your prospect from the same number you use to text in Smarter Contact. All in one simple to use interface.

Upgraded CRM

upgraded crm 1

The Smarter Contact CRM has been completely overhauled. The beautiful and easy-to-use interface has stayed consistent, but now you can track and save even more extensive data on each of your contacts and even add customized labels. You’ll be able to ditch any other clunky tools you’ve been using, and more easily track your contacts and data in the streamlined Smarter Contact CRM. 

Enhancements to Skiptracing

The highest-rated skiptracing in the industry just even got better--with increased speeds, increased efficiency, and better pricing for bulk lists. Smarter Contact 2.0 will allow to continue to pinpoint contact details with the highest level of accuracy to generate more leads, more customers, and more profit.

Extremely Simple and Responsive Interface ⚡️

The interface you love just got a major facelift with lightning-fast speeds and cleaner pages. You’ll be able to work blazing fast--getting even more done with even less stress.

Integrations, Integrations, Integrations!

Custom-built integrations with top platforms, like HubSpot and REISlift. Plus, our existing Zapier integration has been simplified, so you can connect in a few simple clicks.

NO Price Increase

We take our commitment to you seriously--we’ll deliver more value than anyone else. The new release has additional features and tools, at the same great price. We will NOT be altering the price, but you’ll increase your profits.

Want to Get a Demo of the new Software?

Join us LIVE for a DEMO of our 2.0 with Kevin Hernandez to see the platform before it’s even released. 

Click here to register for the webinar!


July 5th, 2022 is our estimated release date.  Keep an eye out for communication as we get nearer to launch.

On behalf of our team, I want to thank all our customers for your support. Smarter Contact 2.0 will be an industry Game-changer and we’re excited to get it in your hands soon.

To your success,

Adam Nasir, CEO & Founder

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