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10 Little-Known Facts About Smarter Contact


Smarter Contact gets a healthy dose of positive publicity. Real Estate Skills says it’s a “powerful real estate investing software.” SaaSworthy says they are “undisputedly the market leader in skiptracing (number lookup) using the most advanced geolocation data.” Additionally the platform has hundreds of positive reviews on several reputable review sites.  

But this is not all there is about Smarter Contact. Like all the top gun software platforms out there, Smarter Contact has a story and some interesting little known facts.

Did you know that the first version was tested nearly 30 times before deployment and made record-high sales, whopping $100,000 monthly revenues during the first year? The story of Smarter Contact is full of fascinating and inspiring tales. 

Here is a one-on-one with our CEO & Founder, Adam Nasir, highlighting 10 fun and little-known facts about our brand. Keep reading to get inspired.

Founder of Smarter Contact, Adam Nasir
Founder of Smarter Contact, Adam Nasir

  1. How Did the Idea of the Platform Come to Life?

The idea of Smarter Contact started about five years ago when I dove into the real estate industry as an investor. I wanted to reach out to my clients as fast and efficiently as possible. With this goal in mind, I realized that nearly everyone had a mobile phone and it was only a matter of reaching people through their devices to grab their attention.

Unfortunately, no solution on the internet matched my SMS marketing needs. This led me to building a simple SMS app platform for personal use, which later transitioned into a global-scale platform that changed the industry. 

Next month Smarter Contact is releasing a new platform, Smarter Contact 2.0. It aims to disrupt the traditional norms of SMS marketing again with many upgraded features requested by our customers.

  1. What Was the First Year of Smarter Contact Like?

In two words, “exciting & hard” but it was worth it. We lost our first and only full stack developer at a critical time after our release in 2019. This almost put us out of business but somehow we found a new development team based in Ukraine that helped re-establish the software. In the first year, I was managing everything, from marketing to sales and support as my full time. The good thing is that this enabled me to learn the business from the inside out. Additionally, as expected with any new software, we also spent a lot of time fixing bugs and listening to customers' feedback.

  1. What Was the Hardest Thing About Creating Smarter Contact and Taking It Where It Is Now?

The biggest challenge of creating Smarter Contact manifested when we wanted to scale from the old beta version that had already taken the market by storm. This version was mainly built with the help of a freelance developer, who literally disappeared when the project hit the market. 

I had to quickly think of an alternative solution, so I decided to reach out to a Ukrainian development team that took over the project. It still was pretty daunting at first, however, over time, we have been managing to find great in-house employees and build a dedicated, product focused team.

  1. How Is Smarter Contact Different From Other SMS Marketing Tools for Real Estate Investors?

Throughout the development process, we focus on the platform’s user experience and efficiency in converting leads to customers. We implement a simple interface and design that enables our clients to hit the ground running— with no learning curve. Furthermore, we also take clients through a one-on one onboarding process, guiding them on how to leverage the platform's full potential for their particular industry.

Unlike other platforms, our focus on user experience doesn’t stop at the onboarding process. We maintain top-notch customer service for both new and old customers.

  1. What Is the Funniest Moment You’ve Shared with Your Smarter Contact Team So Far?

We have lots of these but as we say at Smarter Contact, what happens on vacations stays there, I won’t give away a lot. At Smarter Contact, we have a tradition of going on paid work vacations every six months and a lot of fun things happen on these getaways. One incident which comes to my mind is when we flew the company to Bodrum last summer. 

We took a boat for the day and as we were sailing across, next thing you know, we saw two of our teammates on a mountain naked. Apparently, they had decided to go hiking on the mountain without their shoes and on their way down they had to use their shorts and T-shirts as shoes. Everyone on the team saw them but we all had a good laugh and they took it well. This is just one of the many fun situations at Smarter Contact.

Smarter Contact team
Smarter Contact team

  1. How Many People Create Smarter Contact?

In the beginning, it was only me and a freelance full stack developer. After he left, I hired a development agency in Ukraine and gradually started building a team of experts within other departments. Today we have 40+ talented people on our team, growing almost twice within a year.  

  1. What is the Key Trait of Smarter Contact?

Simplicity. That has been our focus from day one. Despite having top-tier SMS marketing features, we make it a point not to sacrifice user experience on the way. The same culture of simplicity is also reflected in the upgraded version of the platform, Smarter Contact 2.0, which is to be launched next month.

SMS marketing for realtors
SMS marketing for realtors

  1. What Does the New Platform (Smarter Contact 2.0) Have In Store for Real Estate Investors?

Over the past few years, we have done the best we can to listen to our customers’ feedback and Smarter Contact is evidence of that. From a dialer which enables you to call the same number you texted in a click, to cutting edge automations and integrations, drip sequences and much more, the new version has everything you ever needed in store.

  1. What Is the Flagship of the New Platform and How Will It Help Real Estate Investors?

Imagine waking up to a 100 new leads that you got in your sleep? This sums up what Smarter Contact can now do for you. Our automation and drip sequences set up are one of the best in the industry. Using different rules and triggers, you can determine the next message your audience receives, tailored to their specific action. This helps your audience feel connected. And consequently this enables you to interact with your prospects hands free and focus on closing deals instead.

  1. What are Smarter Contact Plans for 2022?

2022 is all about building and launching a next-gen SMS platform that is futuristic in terms of dynamic marketing needs. Smarter Contact 2.0 is in the pipeline and will solve all the concerns raised by our clients using the current version. We believe that the upgraded platform is what the millennial marketer needs to conquer global audiences. We never disappoint. If you would like to get a sneak peek of SC 2.0, join our LIVE demo webinar! And stick around, we have more great updates coming soon.


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